Research Communication | Open Access
Volume 2021 | Communication ID 329
Job recommendation based on vectorization and Topic Modeling
Driss Mhamdi, Mohammed Yassine El Ghoumari, Mohamed Azouazi
Academic Editor: Youssef EL FOUTAYENI
March 01, 2021
March 10, 2021
March 15, 2021

Abstract: Recruitment is a time-consuming and a costly process. To handle this issue, job recommender systems could be used to produce a top n list of job recommendations [1]. They provide the most relevant job offers or candidates that fit the needs of job seekers or recruiters by filtering meaningful information from of a big amount of data [2]. To recommend relevant jobs, we have used Topic modeling technique [3] consisting on representing job offers by a limited number of topics related to job titles, technical skills and qualifications. We have particularly used LDA “Latent Dirichlet ...